(Audience Award for Episodes) (Summer Chastant Episodic Award) A collection of 6 short episodes from Season 2 of the award-winning animated web series, Night Drives. Somewhere between waking life and...
The curiously optimistic tale of Doug Butler—a hardscrabble Vermont dairy farmer who risks losing the only home he’s ever known to chase his dreams of dog mushing in Alaska. Revealed in intimate v...
At the threshold of human extinction, a small group of disoriented people spend their time in absurd activities inside a house regularly battered by planetary climate change. Within such an unstable s...
Two Texas sisters fled to the metaverse at the onset of the pandemic, creating The Enclave, a cyber-haven for ‘like-minded women’. Years later, the suburb is on the verge of bankruptcy, and owner ...
Reality and fantasy begin to overlap in the accordionist’s mind during a blue night. Curiosity brings fleeting interest, but the collision and divergence caused by individual differences ultimately...