As two former classmates dig into their deceased professor’s set of cassette tapes (which possibly contain recordings of strange signals from beyond the stars) they begin to feel their memories, the...
"Big Fur" is a wry portrait of an eccentric artist-hero, immersed in his defining project. Taxidermist Ken Walker has an unshakable belief that eventually he’ll find true love. Or the hairy, 800-pou...
An intense dive into the world of one man and his quest.
A resourceful ambient film starring professional inline street skater Gavin Drumm gliding through the night and cameos from Sydney comedy royalty Lauren McNaught, Annie Schofield, André Shannon and K...
Episode 7: Monsters reside in all of us for a reason. Liz and Beaux are a sister and brother, trapped in a closet as punishment by an alcoholic mother, but escape means they must face a far more nefar...
A man is sitting on the toilet in a public restroom when he’s interrupted by a child crawling into his stall. He begins to panic when the kid won't leave no matter how emphatically he asks. What fol...