Iron Family

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Iron Family

Director: Patrick Longstreth
Producer: Patrick Longstreth,Anne Longstreth,Chad Faries
Cinematographer: Patrick Longstreth, Anne Longstreth, Chris Ryba
Cast: Jazmine Faries, Chad Faries, Kate German, Greg Banks
Release Year: 2021
Language: English (United States)
Subtitle: English (United States)
Country: United States
Genre: Documentary

(THIS FILM WAS PART OF OUR 2022 FESTIVAL LINEUP AND IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE ON THE SLAMDANCE CHANNEL) Jazmine Faries, a 32-year old woman with Down syndrome, is obsessed with soap operas, Barbie dolls, and Matthew McConaughey. For the past 5 summers, her family has performed her original stageplays for a small audience in their town of Iron River, Michigan. In this sixth season, we follow the creative process of writing, rehearsing, and performing the play. Family bonds between her brother, Chad, and her mother, Kate, are strengthened and put to the test by the mishaps and chaos of coordinating a production with limited resources. Along the way we see Jazmine’s personal struggle for independence, her yearning for a romantic partner, and how a single spark of creativity can spread joy throughout a community.