Walls Cannot Keep Us From Flying

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Walls Cannot Keep Us From Flying

Director: Jonathan Haff Mehring
Producer: Jonathan Haff Mehring ,Joe Bressler,Zaid Arikat
Cinematographer: Joe Bressler, Jonathan Haff Mehring
Cast: Omar Hattab, Yasmeen Foqha
Release Year: 2021
Language: Arabic
Subtitle: English (United States)
Country: United States, Palestine
Genre: Documentary

Omar and Yasmeen are determined to make a difference in their communities. They both face the obstacles of the Israeli occupation and both have a need to make the best of life as they know it. They do this by riding their skateboards, but that is just the beginning. They are both skateboard instructors at a local summer camp called SkateQilya, where through sharing their love of skateboarding, challenge the barriers set by both the occupation and their own society.