The Sidewalk Artist

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The Sidewalk Artist

Director: David Velez,Brandon Rivera
Producer: David Velez,Brandon Rivera
Premiere Status: World Premiere
Screenwriter: David Velez & Brandon Rivera
Cinematographer: Emily Sanchez
Cast: Juan Manuel Portillo
Release Year: 2023
Language: English (United States)
Subtitle: English (United States)
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy

(THIS FILM WAS PART OF OUR 2023 FESTIVAL LINEUP AND IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE ON THE SLAMDANCE CHANNEL) Manuel Portillo has been making imprints in concrete for years. Many consider it art, but to him it's simply part of his work pouring concrete for driveways and sidewalks. Locals hold a variety of opinions on his craft, but when the average passerby sees his prints, they just assume it was a child, an animal, or an accident.