Rest As Resistance
First presented in 2023. In an industry that glamorizes overwork, being busy is a badge of honor and many of us feel compelled to push our bodies to the edge and continue to keep saying “yes” to things even when we’re burned out. It’s no surprise in a creative business that thrives on freelancing, filmmakers of all stripes struggle to find a healthy work life balance let alone make time for anything resembling rest. Our panelists will discuss the importance of rest and how to resist Hollywood’s grind culture and find time to slow down, refill your creative well and reconnect with your inner artist. Moderated by Slamdance Alum Sarah Sherman Alum and writer/director of “Young Hearts” With special guest panelists Tricia Hersey, Founder of The Nap Ministry and author of Rest Is Resistance & Merawi Gerima Slamdance Alum and Director of “Residue” and multidisciplinary artist Alexx Temeña.