
This video is no longer available


Director: Peter Hoffman Kimball
Producer: Alan Cameron,Gary Brooks,Peter Kimball
Premiere Status: World Premiere
Screenwriter: Peter Hoffman Kimball
Cinematographer: Lidia Marukyan
Cast: Daniel Durant, Eddie Buck, Bellamie Bachleda
Release Year: 2023
Subtitle: English (United States)
Country: United States
Genre: Foreign Language

(THIS FILM WAS PART OF OUR 2023 FESTIVAL LINEUP AND IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE ON THE SLAMDANCE CHANNEL) Featuring an entirely Deaf cast and shot exclusively in American Sign Language, this is the story of a married couple who - after having tragically lost a child - seeks out a new, experimental therapy. Their grief is consuming them, destroying their marriage, and driving a wedge between them and the rest of society. They have found the only therapist who might be able to help them - but his process could be worse than anyone imagined.