![East End](https://images.cinesend.com/960x540/ondemand-thumbnails/videos/638e785f37c21aeaaf097f13/1674174883.jpg)
East End
Director: Grant Curatola
Producer: Ben Cohen,Patrick Donovan
Screenwriter: Grant Curatola, Dan Roe
Cinematographer: Sachi Bahra
Cast: Carlotta Kohl, Rosemary Cline, Andrew Botsford, Jamie Whitall, Gerry Curatola, Dan Roe, Adea Lennox, Will Jaffe, Christian Scheider, Monte Montenegro, Ben Irving, Jack Irv, Yung Jake, Tripoli Patterson, Twyla Hatt, Stephen Sherman, Ian Lawton King, Andressa Costa, Miranda West, Daniel Bennett, Khanh Ngo, Jennifer Valentine, Finn Macmillan, Charly Sturm, Maia Lafortezza, and Richie Cox
Release Year: 2022
Language: English (United States)
Subtitle: English (United States)
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy
(THIS FILM WAS PART OF OUR 2023 FESTIVAL LINEUP AND IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE ON THE SLAMDANCE CHANNEL) The sordid details of a vicious crime are recounted and remixed through the rumor mill of a community gripped by paranoid fear and morbid curiosity. Its soundtrack peppered with iconic horror cues, this round of broken telephone crescendos to an ominous and disarming note.