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Director: Emily Morus-Jones
Producer: Sara Allen
Premiere Status: North American Premiere
Screenwriter: Emily Morus-Jones
Cinematographer: Lindsay Walker
Cast: Ruby Rare & Members of the Great British Polyamorous public.
Release Year: 2022
Language: English (United Kingdom)
Subtitle: English (United Kingdom)
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Comedy, Documentary, International, Experimental

(THIS FILM WAS PART OF OUR 2023 FESTIVAL LINEUP AND IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE ON THE SLAMDANCE CHANNEL) An experimental film where a group of mice (voiced by members of the UK polyamorous community who's identities are masked using puppetry) discuss their experiences of polyamory. Diomysus asks the question - are we (the audience) more open to taboo ideas if unconscious bias is eliminated?