As two former classmates dig into their deceased professor’s set of cassette tapes (which possibly contain recordings of strange signals from beyond the stars) they begin to feel their memories, the...
Autoscopy follows a young man who escapes to the Swedish wilderness for a period of creativity and introspection. The tranquility and isolation he finds there morphs into something more sinister when ...
(2016 Grand Jury Prize for Narrative Feature) A young woman washes ashore and is taken in by a stranger. As she convalesces in his remote cabin, the relationship with her would-be savior tears down a...
"Greetings, from the Planet Krog!" is a science fiction epic set on another world, created by reimagining everyday objects and existing landscapes. The film follows a young mother who is abducted by e...
A recently released criminal is looking for a good time. He can forget his sins but he can never forget...Gwilliam.
A boy playing in his backyard begins to exhibit signs of a disturbing physical ability. His parents invite the neighbors over to enact a peculiar rite-of-passage ceremony that will assimilate the boy ...
A young mother's shadow takes on a life of its own, terrorizing her and her daughter over the course of one night.
In this stop-motion horror short, a couple enlists the aid of a mysterious figure to help them with their seemingly insurmountable laundry problem.
Emily Hagins has been watching and making movies since she was a small child. Now, a bit older at age 12, she recruits the aid of her supportive parents to produce, direct, shoot and edit her first fe...