Anansi the Spider
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Anansi the Spider

Director: Jared Hall
Cast: Anansi the Spider — Daniel Jennings, Tiger — Jared Hall, Snake — Elijah Gallimore-Repole
Release Year: 2024
Language: English (United States)
Subtitle: English (United States)
Country: United States, Jamaica

Tiger is the king of the jungle and all its stories. Anansi the Spider is small and weak, but enjoys amusing himself by making jokes and boasts. He is never taken seriously—until he directly insults Tiger. Instead of eating him, Tiger makes a bet with Anansi. If Anansi can capture a deadly snake— Tiger will give up his crown to him. Everyone expects Anansi to fail and be eaten by either Tiger or Snake, but the spider is determined to prove them all wrong. By playing on Snake’s insecurities, he is able to trick the serpent into tying himself up to a piece of bamboo. Anansi wins the bet— forever more becoming the king and teller of all stories.