400 Cassettes
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400 Cassettes

Director: Thelyia Petraki
Producer: Kostas Tagalakis, Panos Papadopoulos
Premiere Status: North American Premiere
Screenwriter: Thelyia Petraki
Cinematographer: Tudor Vladimir Panduru
Cast: Panayiota Yiagli, Ellie Galousi, Argyris Pavlidis, Thanos Koniaris, Froso Gaza
Release Year: 2024
Language: Greek
Subtitle: English (United States)
Country: Greece

After a lesson about cosmic archaeologists and a water fight in the schoolyard, Elly steals Faye’s soul and Faye gives Elly a rare birthday present. But then, under a sky full of stars, a song from the past will remind the girls that nothing really lasts forever.